Andro-Butch Style

Thought it was time to butch things up around here. 

No, not me, silly!  I’m thinking more like Jenny Shimizu. But wait, I know what you’re thinking. She’s looking femmey as a judge on Bravo’s series Make Me a Supermodel, right? I can understand why she wouldn’t want to get stuck in one look. (I’m lying, actually–I can’t!)  Sigh. The femme-inization of Jenny Shimizu is a sad development for yours truly, so I’m posting some photos of her sizzling andro-butch side.

For inquiring minds, that famous tattoo–which you can see clearly in Ellen Von Unwerth’s photograph–is an image of a pin-up girl riding a crescent wrench.  The lettering on the wrench says “strap-on” instead of  “snap-on,” which is actually Jenny’s preferred brand of hand and power tools. (“I use snap-on, bitch,” she snarled at one interviewer. )  Speaking of which, those motocycles are not just props, girls.  Shimizu is probably the first (and only?) lesbian supermodel who rides bikes and is a mechanic.  Is it hot in here or is it just me?



11 Responses

  1. oh Jenny…Be still my heart

  2. Oh there is a place in my little asian american heart for Miz S…..Excuse me while I go fan the blush off my face….

    I’m sure she’d be flattered, grrlchef! I really appreciate the way Shimizu has worked to challenge and expand received ideas about ethnicity, gender, and beauty during her career. I’d love to know more about the impact she’s had in Japan, since I’ve come across a few interviews that mention how important she’s been for many Japanese butches. xo SF

  3. I don’t watch MMAS, but I’ve seen glimpses of her on the show. I was totally confused, and figured they glammed her up to make her more mainstream tv-ready, even though the show is on very gay-friendly Bravo. She’s got an incredible vibe, that Jenny Shimizu.

  4. No wonder Madonna and Angelina wanted a piece of her! Who wouldn’t 🙂

  5. Oh, God. A Triumph. We were just drooling this weekend. Over the bike, not the girl. Alas…

    It *is* a looker! I thought it would draw out my butch lurkers but no so much. Instead I get a bike comment from femme-tastic you, but that’s even better. xo SF

  6. That woman does nothing for me, nor does that look! Sigh. I’d far rather Mae West in the previous post, now *she* was a woman!

  7. …man, boss gal and a gorgeous Triumph !!!

  8. oh, yes. i always wanted to be a biker’s girl – how sexy.

  9. Hmmm… may be time to rethink my objections to Ferret having a bike! Ouch, que marimacha!

  10. yum! thanks for the lift

  11. Quite sexy.

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