Sublimefemme Tells All, No. 23

I don’t mind living in a prosaically gendered world as long as I can be a femme in it.  And wear strappy platform sandals.  A lot.


Don’t Bother to Knock

I try not to talk about my day job here on SF Unbound and, don’t worry, I don’t intend to start now.   But your favorite sublimely femme queer theorist is positively drowning in work, darlings.  My office looks like a disaster zone, which is why I’ve moved to a daybed like Marilyn.  I’m just taking a teensy break to wish you all a good week–well, I may also take a few minutes to freshen up my manicure, too.  A girl has to keep her spirits up, right?  

Even though I’m toiling I’d love to hear from you, so stop by and visit anytime.   Don’t bother to knock!
