Sex Kittenish Lingerie


Today, Sublimefemme Unbound explores the vexing question that has baffled philosophers throughout the ages:  Who is lingerie for?  The femme wearing it or the person who enjoys seeing her in it?   

v284790Van has always been very…enthusiastic about my passion for glamorous underthings.  Today, when I asked her opinion on a few seductive babydolls, bras, and panties that I’m considering purchasing for Feb. 14, she was happy to oblige.  However, she also said that I could probably wear a sexy little something from my personal collection that’s she’s forgotten and it would be just as good as something new.   


But really, darlings, where’s the fun in that?   I can go shopping in my own lingerie drawer for the rest of the year, but on Feb. 14?  Thanks, but no.  I’ve always been baffled by certain straight women who are disappointed when the men in their lives give them lingerie as a gift.  “It’s really a present for him,” they complain.  I completely disagree.  What good is Valentine’s Day unless you can consume large quantities of chocolate and buy lingerie that makes you feel like the second coming of Sophia Loren?!! 


I think every femme (single or partnered) deserves to do something to make herself feel beautiful and sex kittenish on Valentine’s Day.  What are you going to do to treat yourself, my pretties?  And what negligée/lingerie pictured here do you think I should get for myself? 😉

Photo Credit:  All images from Victoria’s Secret.